From sockets to services: reactive distributed software in Perl 6

From sockets to services: reactive distributed software in Perl 6

By Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎)
Date: Saturday, 26 August 2017 11:40
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: English
Tags: microservices perl6

This session will take a look at how Perl 6's asynchronous language features can be put to work in building distributed software - that is, software that consists of multiple processes, typically communicating over a network.

After a quick introduction to the Promise and Supply types and the react/supply/whenever syntax, the built-in asynchronous socket support will be illustrated. From there, the focus will switch to the module ecosystem, exploring modules providing asynchronous support for SSL, SSH, HTTP, and more.

Attended by: Wendy Van Dijk (‎woolfy‎), Thierry Treyer, Renee Bäcker (‎reneeb‎), Cal, Axel Beckert (‎ABE / XTaran‎), Elmar Heeb (‎esh‎), Damian Conway (‎damian‎), Timo Paulssen (‎timotimo‎), Dirk Deimeke,


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