Wiki - Food or allergy board

Please provide information if you have food allergy or eating preferences or enforcements (like vegan or vegetarian):

* Roman Baumer (‎rba‎) - Don't eat onions.
* Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎) - Don't eat fish/seafood
* Iryna Worthington (‎iryna‎) - Don't eat fish/seafood or nuts (trace amounts are OK)
* Wendy Van Dijk (‎woolfy‎) - Vegetarian; yes to milk/cheese/eggs ; no to mushrooms or asparagus.
* Manfred Stock (‎mstock‎) - No fish/seafood, not a big meat eater.

We need this to plan an attendees dinner.

version 5 saved on 26/08/18 17:36 by Manfred Stock (‎mstock‎)

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