Porting a Web Application from Perl5/Mojolicious to Perl6/Cro

Porting a Web Application from Perl5/Mojolicious to Perl6/Cro

By Fritz Zaucker
Date: Friday, 7 September 2018 14:20
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English

Agrammon is an application for the simulation of NH3 emissions from agriculture (www.agrammon.ch). It is used both for simulating individual farms by and regional and country-wide calculations based on representative surveys and has been in production since about 2008.
As several significant changes and improvements were requested by the customer I took this as opportunity/challenge to implement my first real-world Perl6 application. Fortunately, I was able to acquire help from Jonathan Worthington for the project who implemented a significant part of the new backend and supported me with coaching and code review.
In the talk I will briefly present Agrammon Perl6. Then I will focus on my experiences with Perl6 itself also on working with Jonathant (who will be present at the conference as well).

Attended by: Axel Beckert (‎ABE / XTaran‎), Lukas Valle (‎Lukas‎), Elmar Heeb (‎esh‎), Rolf Stöckli (‎Tekki‎),


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