Lessons Learned Binding a C++ library to Perl 6

Lessons Learned Binding a C++ library to Perl 6

By Rob Hoelz (‎hoelzro‎) from Madison.pm, Milwaukee.pm, Chicago.pm
Date: Saturday, 29 August 2015 14:20
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: English
Tags: c perl6

I've been working on a Perl 6 binding to the Xapian text indexing and searching library. Xapian is written in C++, which presented a few challenges. Come see what the challenges were, the solutions I chose to overcome them, and perhaps get inspired to create some bindings to native libraries for Perl 6 yourself!

Attended by: steve mynott (‎itz‎), Wolfgang Schemmel (‎Perleone‎), Paul Cochrane (‎ptc‎), Timo Paulssen (‎timotimo‎),

