Writing Desktop Webapps with Qooxdoo and Mojolicious

Writing Desktop Webapps with Qooxdoo and Mojolicious

By Tobias Oetiker (‎Tobi Oetiker‎)
Date: Friday, 22 March 2013 14:25
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: English
Tags: javascript mojolicous perl qooxdoo

Many project$ in my day job are built around some backend service with a gui for user interaction. These days I implement most of them with frontend code written in javascript and a backend in perl. In this talk I will present the two libraries which make my life in this respect so much simpler. Mojolicious for the backend part and Qooxdoo for the frontend. You will see why jQuery and its friends are in no way the end to all questions Web 2.0.

